
I was raised as a traditional, covered dish Southern Baptist. You know, the loving kind who have potlucks every fifth Sunday and visit anyone elderly, ill, or backsliding. I was active with my youth group and sang in the choir. Then I went on walkabout from my faith. This lasted some years, until God got tired of it and pulled me back to where I belong. So while I am a Christian, I am an immature Christian. Here I will chronicle my return to faith, and all my little bumps along the way.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

How do you Walk?

I have learned something since I returned from walkabout. Some of it I kind of figured out on my own, but a large part of it came from my mom and my husband. Here is my "great" or "semi-great" truth: Just because you have become a Christian, or are a returning Christian (what's up my people in the back pew!), or have never strayed, you don't necessarily have a great attitude. We are supposed to walk through our lives with a Christlike attitude. And it is hard. Sometimes more than others, thank you drive-thru guy who gave me the wrong utensils twice. However, we have to adjust and look for the silver linings. Here are a few of mine.

Four year old soccer is absolutely delightful. There is nothing cuter than a bunch of itty bitty people chasing a ball around a field. It is such a blessing that we can afford to pay for the league, the cleats, and the shinguards. It is a blessing we can buy the gas to get to practice and games. I am so happy we are able to do this for our son. It is a blessing that we have family who are more than willing to stand on the side-lines and yell like maniacs for the teeny soccer players. G is just blooming with the whole team sport thing.

M has learned how to get around in his walker. He has also started pulling himself along with only his arms. Really funny stuff. Screamy baby phase II is officially conquered. I thank God that he is healthy. I read Courtney Roth's blog, and then I cry, and then I pray, and then I kiss my babies. Courtney has such amazing grace, that I can't help but be inspired. I just pray God keeps his hands on that whole family. So I am blessed by my children's health.

My husband is a continuous miracle in my life. He is constantly inspiring me to strive for a more Christian walk through life. He also gives me constant encouragement, support, and love. I love him more every day.

I love our life group. I do sometimes worry that I talk to much, or that I am off center when I say things. But I can't stand it when a question is asked an not one person speaks for a minute. I will learn to love the soccer moms I see twice weekly, just like I loved to learn my swim school people. They are just women who are probably really sweet once I get over the whole excessive grooming thing. I must stop judging.

So I am going to try a little harder to walk the walk that Christ laid down for us. I know He will help, and I am willing. I am also secure in the knowledge that he will forgive me for the slip-ups, and that is awesome too.